Custom Software Development in Canada

At the heart of custom software development lies the principle of customisation. From streamlining processes to improving customer experiences, custom solutions offer the perfect blend of flexibility, speed, and security. At Altamira, we carefully elaborate upon your software to match the unique audience, dynamics, and objectives of your business.



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Our custom software development services in Canada

We provide customised software designed to align with your business and operational requirements, nurturing continuous growth. Whether your goal is to automate time-consuming tasks with AI, streamline complex processes, or extract meaningful data with advanced analytics, our custom software will drive your business toward achieving these goals.

Key challenges we address

Altamira is trusted by

Software discovery

We work closely with you to define requirements, explore potential solutions, and create a detailed roadmap that ensures your custom software aligns perfectly with your goals.

Mobile app software development

Our team creates user-friendly, high-performance mobile apps for iOS and Android, tailored to your business requirements and optimised for an exceptional user experience.

Web development

We build responsive, scalable, and visually appealing websites and web applications that deliver an engaging user experience and support your business objectives.

Legacy software modernisation

We upgrade and reengineer your existing software to improve performance, security, and scalability, ensuring it meets modern standards while preserving required functionality.

API development and software integration services

Altamira design and implement reliable APIs that enable smooth data exchange and integrate disparate systems, enhancing your software ecosystem's efficiency and interoperability.

Maintenance and support

Our experts provide ongoing monitoring, troubleshooting, and updates to address any issues, optimise performance, and extend the lifespan of your custom software.

Take the next step

Let’s treat the core problems, not symptoms.

Estimate my project

Receive a personalised project estimate and take the first step towards bringing your idea to life.

Discover success stories

Explore our case studies and find out how we have helped some of our clients from around the world.

What benefits you can get with custom software development solutions?

For startups

As a custom software development company Canada, Altamira team carefully assist startups by creating unique solutions that align with their business goals, technical capacity, and market needs.

  • Tailored AI solutions: Custom AI integrations help automate processes, enhance customer experiences, and provide predictive insights, giving a leg up in their niche.
  • Accelerated time to market: Using our compressed software development lifecycle toolkits, startups launch their products or services 40% faster.
  • Scalable data management: Altamira helps startups efficiently handle growing amounts of data, laying the foundation for future-proof scalability.

  • For small and medium-sized businesses

    Small and medium-sized enterprises need to balance growth with their operational efficiency. As a custom software development company Canada, Altamira helps streamline processes, optimise resources, and scale wisely.

  • Advanced analytics integration: We provide businesses with actionable insights into customer behaviour, strategic foresight, and market trends, driving informed decisions.
  • Process automation: Our team helps automate routine tasks, freeing up valuable resources and allowing teams to focus on growth initiatives.
  • Enhanced customer experience: Improve customer engagement and satisfaction, from personalised marketing to AI-driven customer service.

  • For enterprises

    Enterprises consistently face challenges when competing in the global marketplace. Altamira address these issues with precision, ensuring alignment with their strategic objectives.

  • Enterprise-grade AI and ML: We handle your vast amounts of data, expanding your capabilities in predictive analytics, process optimisation, and decision-making.
  • Data management: Benefit from custom data management platforms that integrate with existing infrastructure, ensuring data consistency, security, and accessibility.
  • Optimised software development lifecycle: We use custom tools and frameworks to compress the software development lifecycle, maintaining high standards of quality.

  • Our development tech stack

    At the heart of our innovation lies a versatile tech stack, carefully selected to drive efficiency, scalability, and security across all our operations.

    Case studies

    Custom mobile app for dog owners

    Mobile App USA

    Modern technology can help owners care for their dogs and keep them safe. GPS tracks and saves dogs’ history for their whole life, easily transfers it to new owners and ensures the security and detectability of the animal.

    Read case

    Training app powered by IoT

    Software Development USA

    A golf training app that helps players improve their unique golf style. An opportunity for a deep configuration of the swing goal, great visual support, advanced algorithms, and effective feedback makes this project a revolution for golf!

    Read case

    AI-powered web and mobile app solution development

    Artificial Intelligence USA

    In response to the need for accessible neuropsychological assessments, Altamira introduced a transformative solution that reimagines the traditional approach to diagnosing and monitoring cognitive, mood, and personality disorders in children.

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    All-in-one solution app for local businesses

    Social Network USA

    A native iOS and Android app that connects neighbours and helps local businesses to grow within local communities. Bestyn includes posts sharing, private chats, stories and built-in editor for their creation, and tools for promoting local businesses.

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    Mobile payment and virtual terminal app

    Mobile App Qatar

    The SkipCash mobile payment app is operated in Qatar, where common PoS terminals are not widespread. SkipCash tries to solve this problem with a mobile payment app that replaces the payment terminal on the seller's side and replaces the payment card on the client's side.


    Read case
    Altamira financial advisors - financial stability - mobile banking - financial management

    Slovak National Theater web development

    Website Slovakia

    We took over the maintenance, continuous improvement, and further development of the website for the most famous and largest Slovak cultural institution – Slovak National Theater.

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