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9 Profitable Business Niches to Invest During the Crisis

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Have you thought that there would be a time when the coronavirus is in the rearview mirror? For some people, life will never be the same. For most people, there will some small changes in their lives. Whether it is a job loss, concern about the cleanness of public places, or how to be ready for the next crisis, things won’t ever take their course as it was before.
We can ensure you that there are opportunities to get profits in these crazy times. But to actually make them work you need to understand what the hell is happening.
While many struggles to operate at a time when travel turmoil, others are benefiting from the health crisis by supplying much-needed medical solutions. Some London founders even launched an entirely new startup this year to help track employee and visitor contact through check-ins and calendar analysis.
However, in some ways, the sophisticated consumerism replaces that are already identifying opportunities for forward-thinking investors. Here’s a shortlist of business niches that may actually be interesting in the long run – once the COVID-19 outbreak is ended.

  1. Online education and skill sharing platforms. This one is really hot right now. Once the recession hits, many of them will lose their jobs and they will need it even more. The main reason to develop one such platform is shown in the recent researches, how-to videos turned out to be the most popular. Around 86% of people all over the world search for videos demonstrating some skills and then try using new knowledge in real life. After the quarantine will end there will be intense competition in getting a good job those who understand it tries to upgrade their skills right now.
  2. Dating and live chats.  Since many people are locked down without a possibility to go out and meet people. You might think now that pandemic is upon us and one can’t go out on a date that people use them less. The usage of dating apps has increased. A Bumble representative announced that globally there has been a rise in the number of messages by 23% and in-app video calls by 31% since mid-March. You can try your luck here, but remember to stay focused on the online angle.

  3. E-commerce platforms and Resale marketplaces. To create a marketplace is hardly a new idea nowadays but yet this niche still has a huge growing potential. People will keep buying and then reselling their stuff. And the only convenient way to do this is to register on a popular marketplace and organize your profile. 
  4. Software for communication. As most of the world is stuck at their shelter and many people work from home they need apps to communicate with each other. 
  5. Remote services. Coronavirus makes people scared, and they don’t like it. So what should be sold right now is anything that gives opportunity to stay at safe home and get doctor’s consultation, psychological advice on how to cope with stress and panic, etc
  6. Live Streaming. Real Time Live Stream is a forward-looking industry that can bring a huge income to business that consider building their broadcasting platform. One of the main advantage of live streaming is that you can find your audience that will like the content you are sharing. It is possible to broadcast literally everything. We have explored this business niche and discovered that the most popular types of live streams.
  7. Gaming. We might all stay at home, but we still need entertainment. Especially in these hard times. Many games are fun to play, educative to explore, and even allow for socializing. This is why we offer focused on gaming are seeing huge spikes. 
  8. Smart robots. Robots can’t get sick. This makes them ideal for performing jobs in hospitals and connecting those locked down in isolation. 
  9. Artificial Intelligence. Governments and healthcare systems across the world are starting to realise the important role which reliable, real-time data and AI analytics will play as we confront COVID-19 and similar challenges.

There are many more niches for investing during the crisis. If you think that time of crisis provides many tremendous opportunities we are going the same way. By the way, we provide up to 40% discount on all rates of development! This is a good chance to bring your business idea to life, save costs on the development, and use quarantine for your benefit. Stay safe and let us worry about your business!

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