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From desktop to web application: how to start the transition

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How does your day begin at the office? Does it start with a cup of aromatic coffee while your computer is loading? And what happens then? Let us guess. You run the desktop application and go for the next cup of coffee.

You may go for lunch for a new update requirement because it will take an hour to download and update the necessary work software. Is it okay for you?

Everyone knows that time is money. There is no option to spoil your valuable time on that crap. Maybe it’s time for a better solution – an online cloud-based application that is much faster and easier to use.

In 2024, some businesses still use old desktop applications and torture their clients with old, hard-loading apps. It’s fairly successful with an established user base, but it’s built on decades-old technology that won’t attract new clients with web application experience.

Let’s see why converting a desktop app to a web app is better.

desktop app users multiple users internet connection mobile devices


The desktop software has many disadvantages

Outdated and poor user interface

Desktop applications often neglect interface optimization, leading to a clunky, outdated user experience. Many desktop apps look and feel old-fashioned, making them challenging for users accustomed to navigating modern, sleek interfaces. This lack of design consideration creates friction and prevents easy adoption, making it harder for new users to use the software.

Extensive onboarding process

Because of the unintuitive design, desktop software typically requires a lengthy onboarding process. New users must sift through pages of tutorials, installation guides, and step-by-step usage instructions just to get started. This can significantly increase the learning curve and discourage adoption, especially for users who are looking for quick, easy solutions.

Difficult maintenance due to outdated programming languages

Many desktop applications are built using older programming languages and frameworks, which are increasingly difficult to maintain. There is a scarcity of experienced developers skilled in these outdated technologies, making it hard to find talent for updates or bug fixes. Furthermore, businesses may have to retain in-house developers just to handle day-to-day maintenance, increasing operational costs.

Platform-specific development requirements

Unlike web or cloud-based apps, desktop software requires separate development for each operating system (OS). This burdens the development team, as they need to build and maintain different versions for Windows, macOS, Linux, etc. As the demand grows for cross-device accessibility, meeting users’ expectations becomes even more challenging.

Complex update process

Delivering updates for desktop software is a tedious process. Every time a new update is released, users have to download and install it, which takes considerable time manually. Additionally, many users delay or avoid updating their software altogether, resulting in a need to support multiple versions. This greatly increases maintenance complexity and cost for the development team.

Reliability issues with system updates

As desktop operating systems and servers are updated, the components of desktop applications become less reliable. Each OS update may cause the software to slow down or even lead to system outages. The need to constantly patch or upgrade software to match system changes introduces additional layers of complexity.

Data security challenges

One of the significant disadvantages of desktop software is its lack of robust data security. Because the data is stored locally on users’ machines, it becomes more vulnerable to breaches or physical theft. Unlike cloud-based solutions, where data is centrally secured and managed, desktop apps put the onus of security on individual users, making it harder to safeguard sensitive information.

Growing demand for multi-device access

More clients expect seamless access to their software from any device, whether it’s a smartphone, tablet, or laptop. Desktop apps fail to meet these expectations since they are designed for a single type of device. As a result, desktop applications are becoming less appealing in a world where mobility and cross-device functionality are essential.

Limited remote access

Desktop applications are often limited to a single physical machine, meaning users can’t access their data or software from anywhere else. In a world where remote work is increasingly prevalent, this limitation is a significant drawback. Unlike cloud-based solutions that allow users to log in from anywhere, desktop software locks users to a specific location, reducing flexibility and productivity.

Web apps have many advantages for business owners and their customers

Instant access from any device, OS, or location

Web apps provide instant access from any device, regardless of the operating system or location. This means that users can easily access the application from their smartphones, tablets, or computers without needing to install anything. For businesses, this leads to increased accessibility and broader reach, which enhances customer satisfaction.

Easy update process

Unlike desktop applications, web apps make it easy to push updates. Updates are applied server-side, meaning that users always access the latest version of the application without having to download or install anything. This reduces maintenance headaches and ensures that customers are using the most secure and optimized version of the app at all times.

Real-time communication via WebRTC

Web applications can leverage Web Real-Time Communication (WebRTC) to enable real-time communication with users. Whether it’s live chat, voice, or video calls, WebRTC facilitates smooth interaction without requiring additional plugins. This can enhance customer service and improve collaboration between users.

No need to manage physical servers

Business owners no longer need to invest time and resources into managing physical servers. With cloud computing services like AWS, the complexities of server security, management, troubleshooting, and monitoring are handled by third-party providers. This allows businesses to focus on growth and digital transformation, saving on operational costs.

Contextual onboarding process

Web apps allow for more streamlined and intuitive onboarding. Instead of overwhelming new users with tutorials and guides, web apps offer contextual help—providing tips only when users interact with specific functionalities. This reduces the learning curve and makes the overall user experience more seamless and enjoyable.

Smart scaling with Cloud infrastructure

Cloud-based applications offer the advantage of smart scaling, which means that businesses only pay for the server resources they actually use. The server infrastructure scales up or down automatically based on the current load, preventing overpayment during low-traffic periods and ensuring optimal performance during high-traffic times.

Flexible monetization opportunities

Web apps make it easier to implement additional revenue streams. Business owners can introduce new monetization strategies, such as premium features, subscription models, or in-app advertising, all without needing to overhaul the core application. This flexibility helps businesses maximize their earnings potential.

Secure Cloud-based database

Data security is enhanced when using web apps, as databases are stored in public cloud environments that offer robust protection. Cloud providers often have advanced security protocols in place, which reduces the risk of breaches and ensures that sensitive customer data remains secure. This also takes the burden of security management off the business owners.

offline functionality web technologies web technology

One fundamental difference between desktop and web apps is that desktop apps are designed to be used by a single user at a time, while web apps are designed to be used by many users at a time.

There are several things to consider when creating a web version of an existing desktop app. You cannot just rename your project desktop apps to web apps because they are different project types.

Since you cannot change the project’s name, you must create a new one – a web application. But it doesn’t mean that we, as a development company, can’t replicate many of those desktop app features along with the core functionality since your customers stick to them.

We would like to share our case about an old Windows fat-client application that needs to be modernized as a web application. That app has been used for 18 years. So, can you imagine how many functions need an update?

Although there was a request for migration of a database from the old app to the new web app. We couldn’t make the estimation at once. We had to see and explore the customer’s application before it. Having reviewed the desktop application (which, by the way, was not an easy thing; the app kept crashing due to high loading), we defined that by just re-organizing the interface, we can cut the number of codebases almost three times.

Imagine what can be gained by restructuring, contextual usage of features, and adding automation and machine learning to things that users had to do manually before.

The customer liked our approach because of such deep research and precise recommendations, leading to efficient cooperation between our customer and their users and cost reductions in application maintenance. 

After the research stage, our dedicated team made recommendations on using a single-page application (SPA) in this case. Choosing a particular web application you must understand if a SPA is suitable for your business needs or a traditional multi-page web application works better.

There are two general approaches to building web applications today: traditional web applications that perform most of the application logic on the server, and single page applications (SPAs) that perform most of the user interface logic in a web browser, communicating with the web server primarily using web APIs. A hybrid approach is also possible, the simplest being host one or more rich SPA-like subapplications within a larger traditional web application. Microsoft


SPAs are best used when there is no need for SEO (search engine optimization). For example, for apps that work behind a login. Search engines still have trouble indexing sites built with a SPA approach rather than the traditional server-rendered pages. If you are counting on search engines, don’t even think with creating a single page application without having a server-rendered part as well.

More and more enterprises are cloud-based apps – and for good reason. It is cheaper, easier to manage, and safer overall than the alternatives. According to the Kim Weins research – 68% of enterprises consider optimizing and managing an important responsibility of central IT, while 62% place high importance on deciding and advising which apps to run on which platform. Finally, 59% consider setting policies for cloud usage to be vitally important.

How to start the transition from desktop app to Cloud-based applications without affecting the customers?

We advise developing a web application with only the necessary functions first. Then, an analysis of users’ feedback about core functions gives you awareness, according to which you can make the cloud-based application more successful by adding more useful features. There is no chance to leave an old interface of your desktop app designed 15 or even 18 years ago because it won’t involve new users anymore. Course, in those times, no one knew about UI/UX, but now it allows you to make your customer’s life easier and more comfortable.

Successful digital transformation requires investments in technologies, people and processes that drive business value. These investments include funding for critical initiatives that support the digital enterprise, such as cloud, cybersecurity and customer experience. You have to be clear at every step of the transition and don’t rush. As all agreements are reached, the following technical stages will take place. You can see them in the diagram below:

key features  cross platform specific operating systems

Working with experts, you will always win because of their valuable experience and readiness to find any solution for you. Our web services development skills allow us to speed up the development process and reduce your expenses with a vast code base of modules and ready-made solutions.

Also, cooperating with our expert team and project management over the full cycle, from preparing specs to cloud web servers for final users of our customer services, including quality assurance, saves your time and money. 

It’s up to you to find and order each stage of development from different digital companies or freelancers or get full-cycle development from Altamira.

Consider one thing: choosing the first approach wouldn’t be simple: communicating with all performers and controlling the quality of their work at the time, which may decrease the efficiency of the web development project.

Also, we recommend you to read the article Top 7 Reasons to Outsource Software Development.

client side work offline successful transition  security patches compatibility issues  cross platform compatibility

We always focus on the result from the initial stage: testing of designers and user experience focus, which allows for delivering a product that presents itself. There is no need to employ a specialist or even a department to support your web application after delivery with a monthly payment. You can have your remote development team in Altamira.

Our dedicated specialists can continuously maintain your web development project. Last but not least, you can count on transparent and clear reports on finances and timelines over the full project flow provided by a project manager, who is your main contact person.

Do you still hesitate to convert your old Windows fat-client application to a cloud-based application? Sure, it won’t be cheap to do it, but you should consider that the maintenance expenses of your old application will grow every day. The other reason to start developing a new web application immediately is the web development terms, which are from 6 to 18 months.


What is the difference between desktop app and web app?

One fundamental difference between desktop and web apps is that desktop apps are designed to be used by a single user at a time, while web apps are designed to be used by many users simultaneously.

Should I convert the desktop apps to a cloud-based application?

It’s not necessary, but a desktop app has several disadvantages as opposed to a web app: if you use an outdated desktop app, it would be hard to maintain due to the lack of experienced developers working with outdated programming languages; app components get less reliable with every update of desktop operating system and server update, leading to slowdowns and outages; hard to provide data security because the database is physically located on the desktop; no possibility to providing data access from anywhere; more reasons you will find here.

How do you start the transition from desktop to cloud-based application?

We recommend you start developing a web application only with the necessary functions at first. Then, examine users’ feedback about core functions, which gives you awareness of how you will be able to make the cloud-based application more successful by adding more useful features.

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