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The Future, Today: Healthcare Technology Trends for 2022

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Over the last few years, the marriage and possibilities of healthcare and technology have dominated public interest. In the face of the unprecedented effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, technology has been essential in ensuring the healthcare industry’s resilience in the face of numerous adversities. Over the past few years, patients, providers, and payers have grown increasingly supportive of new technologies that ease workplace stress and enable better quality care in the face of industry challenges. People are not allowing themselves to be as pliable when it comes to their health and wellbeing. Therefore, future health systems, in particular, will need to provide care that is more accessible, flexible, and inclusive.

The Top 6 Healthcare Technology Trends for 2022

With that, here are some healthcare technology trends to watch out for 2022 and the years to come.

Electronic Health Records

In the healthcare industry, EHR systems have already come a long way. With the proliferation of screening tests, medical imaging, and diagnostics, the need for means to transmit information across several healthcare networks has grown. In this regard, an Electronic Health Record (EHR) allows medical personnel to provide better treatment by streamlining information access and collection. As more patient data becomes digital and more customers desire mobile access to health records, the role of EHR in healthcare is continuously evolving, making it one of the trends to meet a great deal of attention in 2022. Electronic Health Monitoring An Electronic Health Monitoring System is a sophisticated technology that replaces traditional patient management. It comprises a wireless wearable gadget with sensors and an app allowing doctors to retrieve medical data. Unfortunately, more patients than doctors are available to assist them in today’s modern healthcare landscape. In light of this, the recent pandemic demonstrated that the world is unprepared for such crises and a global shortage of qualified physicians. Fortunately, healthcare businesses can use this technology to supplement medical staff and alleviate some workloads. An Electronic Health Monitoring System enables several novel approaches to patient care. Additionally, this technology lowers health care costs, assists hospitals in improving their treatment processes, and delivers a remote health monitoring system. Medical Apps In 2022, providing medical solutions via mobile health apps will become an increasingly common trend. More and more independent healthcare providers and organizations invest in developing healthcare apps to enhance service quality and promote patient self-management practices. On the other perspective, because healthcare applications bring much-needed convenience, patients are equally enthusiastic about using them. Nowadays, many people utilize mobile health apps to book appointments, review medicines, and connect with doctors for online diagnosis through video calls. As health apps become more commonplace, more healthcare features should flourish.

Predictive Analytics

The ability to foresee and respond to quickly changing situations has never been more important for hospital administrators. Healthcare providers progressively share data in real-time to identify untapped capacity, plan for care transitions, and estimate future demands. By leveraging predictive analytics, healthcare organizations can now extract meaningful insights about patient flow and care needs from massive volumes of real-time and historical hospital data to forecast capacity requirements for the next 24 to 48 hours. Following initial validation, you can modify the resulting algorithms regularly to incorporate new patterns and conditions, providing clinical and operational teams with real-time, actionable insights to make fast and successful decisions.

Internet of Medical Things (IoMT)

The Internet of Medical Things (IoMT) is not a new concept in 2022. However, this industry should grow exponentially in the next few years. There are numerous digital health trends in this field. Each of them has the potential to be of great benefit to healthcare professionals, resulting in millions of dollars in savings.

Adopting Service Business Models

Healthcare systems aim to:
  • Respond swiftly to changing circumstances
  • Implement more flexible working practices
  • Collect more data across their operations
  • Sustain a consistent level of quality service without blowing their budget
However, there is a pressing need for more efficient care delivery models. Thus, healthcare organizations are increasingly embracing business models based on “as a service” solutions. For instance, many are moving to SaaS (Software as a Service), in which cloud-based platforms enable physicians, staff, and even patients to access data from anywhere, exchange vital insights in real-time, and communicate more efficiently, resulting in improved care coordination. Among many of its benefits, the most notable is that SaaS models often demand a lower initial investment and allow organizations financial flexibility, resulting in more predictable expenses.


As the healthcare industry gains confidence in technology, the current practices hailed as innovative will become standard in the next few years. However, healthcare institutions should begin exploring now rather than waiting until then when it is too late. Consider Altamira as a trustworthy technology partner if you consider expanding your existing medical software systems or developing a new solution for your healthcare company or practice. After more than a decade on the market, Altamira has developed into a reputable Slovak software company with a skilled workforce, a strong brand image, and a diverse portfolio of references in various sectors. Altamira specializes in custom software development, mobile application development, and custom web development that can help your healthcare organization succeed in 2022 and beyond.
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